The Fountain Fund is expanding the reach of its low-interest lending and financial coaching into new geographic regions in partnership with regional and national organizations that provide complementary reentry services. This allows the Fund to tap into existing local resources, expertise, and trust in serving formerly incarcerated people who have a financial need and are eager to create new opportunities for themselves and their families.
In March 2022, the Fountain Fund expanded to New Orleans in partnership with The First 72+ (F72). Through its extensive relationships in New Orleans, F72 identifies candidates who are eligible and would benefit from loans from the Fountain Fund. F72 will provide Client Partners with comprehensive reentry services, while the Fountain Fund will provide lending and financial coaching to F72 Client Partners. We intend to add 20 Client Partners from New Orleans to our lending portfolio in 2022.
The Fountain Fund and the First 72+ will share a full-time New Orleans-based staff person, an Economic Empowerment Program Coordinator.