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Check On / Love On
We build powerful relationships with each other, our Client Partners, and our community partners. We demonstrate empathy, care, and compassion in all our interactions. We lead with love. We welcome Client Partners into our family.
We are in this together. We share power and serve alongside our Client Partners. We believe in community. We understand we can be more successful working with individuals and organizations that share our values.
We know the past doesn’t define the future and we believe in the potential of impacted individuals. We create opportunities internally and externally for people to reach their self-determined goals. We emphasize solutions and embrace creativity. We succeed when others succeed.
Supportive Accountability
We honor our commitments and expect that our community and client partners will as well. We approach our work with positive energy. We seek to encourage and build confidence in our interactions. We practice transparency in our communications.
Dignity & Respect
We put our shared humanity at the forefront of our work. We understand and honor that our client partners are the best ones to define their own success and make their own decisions. We provide support and guidance as needed in identifying and prioritizing goals. We practice mutuality. We listen and engage without judgment.

Our Client Partner Voices Matter
We're grateful to board member Lorenzo Collins and his team at NSight Media Group for helping us elevate our community and Client Partners' voices.